What isn't your prospect telling you ?

Monitor sales proposals, identify signals and detect your prospects’ digital body language and bring your deal closer to signing using real time prospect intent data.

Salesforce App

Without Tilkee 98% of your sales cycle is decided without you!

In the normal world once a proposal is sent, you have almost no objective information before a decision is made, running the risk of losing out all together or exhausting your prospect with too many reminders…

With Tilkee

You can track who’s involved in the decision-making process, when your proposal is being considered and what’s grabbing the decision-makers’ attention.

Don't let your sales proposals go to waste...

Smart link

Tilkee generates a unique link to share all your documents without burdening your prospect’s mailbox.

Collated documents

Your prospect accesses a dedicated online space that brings all the elements of your proposal together.

Tracking & Analytics

Track your prospects actions and understand their digital body language making you the god of your sales proposal process.

Your secret weapon for detecting your prospects’ hidden signals and digital body language

Easy to use

Documents are easily tracked by simply adding them to your Salesforce mailings. Personalised links are automatically generated and linked to your case.

Easy to customize

Enhance your sales proposals with predefined resources & templates (videos, customer references, calendars, etc.).

Manage the pace of complex sales

Your sale cycles are long and may have a complex decision processes… You need to track the process effectively and engage with your prospects at the right time, with the right resources and increase your success rate.

Efficiently manage long cycles

Your sales cycle can take weeks or even months and you need to know the most opportune moment to reconnect and close.

Identify all decision-makers

Your presentation may be circulated throughout the company, so you need to know the people involved in the decision-making cycle and target the right contacts.

Prioritise Quick Wins

You have a high volume of proposals, and timing is key! You need to see where the action is and spot sales quickly, so you can close at the right moment and avoid losing the opportunity.

Identifying "active" buyers

You have many prospects and opportunities in a short space of time, Tilkee’s insightful data helps you prioritise the prospects who interact most with your proposal, giving you the right time to act.

Getting the deal signed

Deal deliberation can be short, and the closing window shuts quickly. Tilkee helps you to be there at the right time to close high volumes of sales.

Integrate Tilkee by Efalia tracking into your everyday tools

Tilkee bakes interest detection into the tools you already use!

Monitoring and detecting interest are our core business! We'll bring this essential skill, directly into your existing working practises by integrating with your existing solutions.

Easily integrate proposal tracking with Tilkee by Efalia into your daily processes and increase your signature rates.

Want to integrate everywhere? Use our Zapier connectors

If you’re not using any of the above or you have your own customised or bespoke solution, don’t worry we’ve got your covered! We can integrate with any tool or CRM via Zapier.

Enrich your natural sales instinct, predictions, tools and processes

Improve your forecasting, boost your CRM, fine-tune reminders according to consultations / projects / budgets and prioritize actions according to real business potential.

Help your teams avoid leaving good deals unattended!

What our customers say

It helps me identify hot projects! Who looking at what I’ve sent? If the document was circulated within the company, and who’s seen it? IT, purchasing...? I know which page they’ve spent time on. I can look at the profiles in advance and identify topics of interest to them.
All of this allows me to prepare a second meeting with as much information as possible that the prospect would never have given me directly It helps me keep track of all the documents I send out and I can also modify or remove information after I've sent it.

Account Executive - Pentalog

Get started with Tilkee by Efalia

Transform your prospect vision and sign more business, more easily with Tilkee by Efalia.
Get started now!