Tilkee by Efalia for sales managers

Help your sales people focus their efforts in the right place to boost team performance.

Business Scoring

Follow-up process

Forecast closing

Anticipate the best closings and pace your sales!

Tilkee by Efalia helps sales managers assess the performance of their sales team, thanks to reliable quantitative and qualitative indicators on the detection of business signals.

Tilkee by Efalia, a new way to end months, quarters, years, stressed out in style!

Encourage and coach your teams to detect business signals

Track, analyze and prioritize your teams’ sales proposals.

Focus on mature business

To improve team efficiency

Score the signature forecast

Get a better idea of your signature potential

Keep an eye on the right indicators

Keep track of all information related to sales proposals.

Set the pace for signatures!

Create and harmonize your dunning processes

Processes are one of the keys to sales success.
A missed follow-up can cost you a deal.

Create the processes that make sense for your team, but don’t miss out on any more opportunities!

Evaluate the performance of sales proposals

Lead your team to operational excellence

better monitoring

+ 80% read rate

better relaunches

- 4 unnecessary reminders on average

best closing

+ 35% signature rate

Tilkee by Efalia integrates with your tools

Do you use Salesforce or HubSpot?
You’re all set to integrate Tilkee by Efalia into your sales process.
Using another CRM?
Our Zapier connectors will integrate it.

Get started with Tilkee by Efalia - 14-day free trial

You can also use it via other integrations.