Terms of use

In accordance with legal provisions, users and visitors are hereby informed of the present legal notice.

Connection and browsing on the Site tilkee.com by the User implies full acceptance without reservation of these legal notices.

Terms of use

This website is published and edited by : TILKEE

URL: www.tilkee.com

Société par actions simplifiée à associé unique au capital de 35 925.00 euros

Head office: 210, avenue Jean Jaurès 69007 LYON,

RCS Lyon: registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under number 789 120 649.


Email : contact@efalia.com
DPO: contact@efalia.com
Phone number : +33 (0)4 72 51 77 55

Publishing Director: Anne-Laure PLESSIER

Hosted by: OVH Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Conditions of access and use

This site is an information site for Tilkee customers and non-customers alike.
The products and services presented on this site are intended to be offered and used in accordance with the contractual conditions and prices in force.
This site is subject to French law.

Respect for privacy and personal data

Details of our personal data protection policy are available on the RGPD page.
You can find out more and exercise your rights via our Privacy center.

Information available

This site includes information provided by external companies or hypertext links to other sites that have not been developed by Tilkee.

The content of this site is provided for information purposes only.
The existence of a link from this site to another site does not constitute an endorsement of that site or its content.
It is the Internet user’s responsibility to use this information with discernment and a critical mind.
The publisher cannot be held responsible for the information, opinions and recommendations formulated by these third parties.
Any hypertext link to this site must be expressly authorized in advance by the publisher.
Please note the risks inherent in the electronic transmission of information: delays, omissions or inaccuracies may occur.
This information is provided “as is”, regardless of its source.

Use of site information and copyright :
The use of any document from the Tilkee site is authorized for information purposes only and for private use only.
Any use for other purposes is expressly forbidden.
Tilkee makes every effort to ensure, to the best of its ability, that the information published on this site is accurate and up-to-date. Tilkee reserves the right to correct the content of this site at any time and without prior notice.
It also warns visitors that it is their responsibility to verify the information by other means, including by contacting the company.

Consequently, Tilkee declines all responsibility : for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available on the site; for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to modification of the information made available on the site; and more generally for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, caused by reason of access by any person to the site or the impossibility of accessing it, as well as use of the site and/or credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter.

In addition, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights to the documents contained on the site and each of the elements created for this site are the exclusive property of Tilkee or its suppliers, who do not grant any license or right other than that of consulting the site.
Reproduction of any documents published on the site is authorized solely for the purposes of information for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes being expressly prohibited.

All trademarks mentioned in this site belong to their respective companies.
All products, logos and images cited in the pages of this site are the property of their respective brands.
The photographs reproducing the products are not contractual.


Viewing recommendations:
To view the pages on this site optimally, we recommend you use the following web browsers: Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher, Netscape version 6 or higher.
The site is optimized for a minimum screen resolution of 1200×1000 pixels.

Technical information:
The present site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties linked to the structure of communication networks or technical difficulties.
The site may be interrupted at any time for maintenance purposes.

Application of the law

This entire site is governed by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
All reproduction rights are reserved, including for iconographic and photographic documents.
Failure to comply with these provisions may result in prosecution and criminal penalties.
This document shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French Courts.
Should any provision of the present text prove to be null, invalid or without legal effect, all other provisions shall remain applicable.